Learn about CAO

Learn about CAO

Articles, interviews and confernce talks

Our articles and video’s about Creating Agile Organizations (CAO) principles and practices. You can also read about the fundamental elements of the CAO approach, its axioms, principles and guidelines in our free Creating Agile Organisations guide. This guide helps organisations on their journey towards agile organisational design, ensuring they are well equipped to navigate the complexities and challenges of the modern business environment.

Evolving Your Own Framework

Evolving Your Agile Organizational Framework By Cesario Oliveira Ramos Meet Sara, a driven product director who's always up for a challenge. But...

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Enabling Multifunctional Learning

Cross-functional teams are capable of quickly testing hypotheses and adapting to changes in the market. They are the primary block of an Agile organization. Unfortunately, the load on different specializations and skills within the team is uneven due to the unexpected nature of the upcoming work in a complex environment. Scrum Masters and management, when faced with failures in their initiatives related to multifunctional learning, conclude that people do not want to learn. But they forget that people’s behavior is a product of the system. People are glad to learn when organizational design supports multifunctional development.

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